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On top of military radio communications equipment, Walt Gromov’s Radio Museum has over 100 samples of broadcast receivers, the vast majority of them made in 1922-1945.

Our Broadcast Receiver Collections started with German WR 1 (Wehrmacht Rundfunkempfänger) troops entertainment receivers which have been on Wehrmacht nomenclature ever since 1940.

First of all, we have tried to collect all the Wehrmacht troops entertainment receivers that we knew about, and now there are all the "WR" and "ER" receivers presented in our Museum showcases. Next step was to collect battery portable receivers used by Wehrmacht officers, and we are proud to say that most of such receivers known are in our showcases, too.

On the way to collecting battery portable receivers we have purchased on eBay, several unknown models that appeared to be vintage battery portables of early 1930s never actually used for Wehrmacht supplies. Thus we decided to have a limited collection of vintage battery portable receivers in our museum.

Another limited collection of vintage broadcast receivers are the tube sets of 1922-1945 that have been purchased on eBay just to decorate the private office of Valery Gromov, the RC&C President and CEO.

There are about 30 vintage receivers there, including five receivers of 1925-1941 manufactured by the USSR radio works. There are also over 40 vintage crystal sets on display in our museum which have been purchased just to demonstrate to the visitors something different from military radios in their grey and khaki cabinets.

Still another part of our broadcast receiver collections are "People's Receivers" (Volksempfänger, VE 301) and other receivers made under the "Gemeinschaftserzeugnis" project developed in Germany in 1933. There are also plenty of accessories for "People's Receivers" that were produced by many smaller German companies in 1933-1945, some of those displayed in our showcases.

Please find below, a Table of Contents (TOC) to our Broadcast Receiver Collection. Each of the sections listed in TOC has "thumbnail" Picture Gallery and detailed Model Information Table. Clicking on the radio model in the Model Information Table will bring on screen, a more detailed picture galleries consisting of 4 to 8 different pictures of the radio. 

Most of the receivers present have URL links to the site where plenty of technical details may be found.

Table of Contents

  • Portable Broadcast Receivers of 1930-1945

    In this section you will find our portable receivers, first of all WW II troops entertainment battery portables, both Wehrmacht and US Army, along with "German Olympic Suitcases" (Deutscher Olympia-Koffer) DOK 36 and DOK 37 and some other vintage portables.

  • "People's Receivers" (Volksempfänger) and Accessories of 1933-1945

    Listed in this section are all of VE 301 "People's Receivers" and smaller DKE receivers that our Museum has on display, as well as other receivers manufactured under "Gemeinschaftserzeugnis" project in Germany, Austria, Hungary and Poland. Separate picture galleries are devoted to the tubes and accessories for "People's Receivers".

  • Crystal Sets and Accessories of 1916-1947 

    In this section, we have picture galleries of vintage crystal sets that are on display in our Museum as well as picture galleries of several kinds of accessories like plug-in detectors, antennas and high-resistance headsets used with the vintage crystal sets.

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